Monday, February 19, 2007

17th & 18th Feb

well last weekend our Xalt band was asked to play at a saturday night event run at kingsland church. I think some of us found it a bit of a challenge and there were maybe not as many people there as we were expecting. However the event went well and people worshiped, which sometimes is such a relief! Because sometimes you feel a bit like, well i maybe havent been a great christian this week, or, i was a bit short with that person today, or whatever, but when it all comes down to it God is number one. And when his name is lifted up, you cant help but just get lost in it and worship. A lovely lady came up to me afterwards and commented on stuff like my drumming and the band in general, really really positive stuff, which was really really cool to hear that we are blessing people even when we maybe feel we arnt worthy to be blessing people. God decides when he will use us.

Then next day i was on PA duty!! which i actually loved. Was a nice break from playing the kit, and i was able to be a bit creative with the sounds cause we had about 9 people on stage. so all in all a very good morning/weekend.

Xalt next saturday!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

2nd 3rd 4th Feb

This was another of those 'mini tour' weekend for me

Friday night me and jason drove to mersea, via a crash into a tree, no harm done, the car didnt agree but still...
This was for a practice for Causeway on the sunday night, it was a bit of a struggle, nothing seemed to sound as we wanted it to, and the practice lasted just over 3 hours,one of them nights.

Saturday afternoon i was back at kingsland, fair few songs i didnt really know, but i was able to play as loud as i wanted which is always helpful and your just in the mood for 'going for it' which is what i did!

Then Sunday morning was elim, where our main worship leader, Kristian, returned after being in canada for 2 weeks, so he was feeling very fired up, and we had a very very good morning. Was playing with my hot rods, i dont get the feeling they will last very long!

Then Sunday night back at mersea. There were alot less people there than last time but for some reason that didnt seem to worry me. Me and jason often just say to people "we are playing to an audience of ONE" Very true words.
The worship sounded good and God was there, so really no matter how many people there, God was lifted up...Job Done : )