Monday, April 16, 2007

13th - 15th April

What amazing weather we have been having! whats the bet it wont last much longer! haha!

Friday i was off to kingsland to help Rob Buckingham with some songs they are recording, afew cheesey ones but the kids love it. Then we worked on one of his, and we had me on drums, Lee on bass, and Rob on guitar singing, all in this one little room, all at the same time! Was something i had never done before but it was really really good. They are both so switched on with worship music and what sounds good, it all seemed to come together very quickly.

The evening/night/morning of friday was insaine, so much happened that i cant type it on here lol ask me if u wanna know though, God turned up big style.

Sunday morning i was back on PA duty! yay! another little break from the drums, always handy. We had a good morning and it all sounded great!

Sunday evening me and Jason once again bombed down to Mersea to play in the Causeway band, some very good song selection. However the evening was more about raising money for two members of the church to go do missionary work in the summer, think there was about £200 raised that night, ontop of the £1,000 they already had, so they are doing well!
Maybe that just distracted peoples focus from wanting to then worship, im not sure, but its deff an odd feeling when you look out and theres 50 ppl looking back at you with thier arms crossed...

I guess its in those times you start thinking, well whats the point in me being here then??!
But actually thats just it! Even if there was NO-ONE there at all, it would still be worth us being there, because that worship time simply wasnt for them, they could have all gone home at that point if they wanted, it didnt matter. If people clearly dont want to be led in worship, dont lead them. But still play and sing with everything that you have, because he deserves nothing less.

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