Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The last 7 days

Well i guess the interesting part of the week would be Thursday night.
While playing football i started to feel faint and dizzy and so i sat down. 5 mins later i was throwing up, as you do, and then had to drive home from tiptree feeling like this. Amazingly i made it home (with a stop to throw up into my lap) and then Dad rushed me off to A & E. Everytime i would stand up i would faint, which isnt helpful when going to the toilet...believe me!
Ended up having to stay the night and spent most of Friday there aswell, not really being able to even sit up. But as the evening went on i seemed to perk up, thanks to visits from people and constant prayer from which i found out afterwards from about 200 people. Walked back into my house at 9:30pm on Friday, so was exactly 24 hours. The doctor said it was some kind of blood virus. My aim was to be able to play Sunday morning for our baptism service.

Saturday spent relaxing and drinking pure orange juice.

Then Sunday morning i was feeling fine and drummed at 9:30am at elim!
We had 5 people being baptised, including my friend Cat, which was really good to see, shes had quite a journey in the last 8 months! The place was packed which also was a really good thing to see.

Bank holiday Monday was good fun, me and Jason went round Kristians and did some recording of a song we had writen some time earlyer.
Its not finished yet but its sounding really really nice and am very pleased with it!

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